Yellowbelly Reports

Yellowbelly Fishing Reports

Yellowbelly Fishing Reports tend to be to the North of the Great Dividing Range, in the inland rivers. However, reports to the south around Melbourne and impoundments are common enough.

While not as sought after as Murray Cod Yellowbelly – aka Macquarie Petch – are excellent native freshwater game fish. Taking a range of baits and commonly lures.

Species: Macquaria ambigua. Other common names include Macquarie Perch

Yellowbelly Fishing Reports Breakdown

Yellowbelly Fishing Reports – What We Collect

We record the number of catches of each location when we prepare our Yellowbelly or Macqurie Perch fishing reports. All Getfished Fishing Reports are aggregated from multiple resources. Including dedicated submitted fishing reports, Youtube videos, and more.

Yellowbelly Month To Date Reports

Broken River,Vic4
Waranga Basin, Vic1
Greens Lake, Vic1
Irrigation Channels Shepparton, Vic1
Broken River2
Lake Hume3
Irrigation Channels8
Greens Lake1
Kialla Lakes2
Waranga Basin1
Shepparton Jordan’s Bend Gouburn River1
Cairn Curran1
Lake Eppalock3
Kialla Lakes Shepparton2

Yellowbelly Bait Reports Year To Date

Scrub Worms4

Yellowbelly Lures Reports Year To Date

TN60 Jackal4
Lipless Crank Baits1
Small Divers1
Bassman Shorties1
Gulp Soft Plastics1
Mask Vibes1
Crank Baits1
Black Gulps1

Yellowbelly Fishing Reports

According to 2022 Yellowbelly fishing reports the following locations have proven to be successful:

Toolamba, Broken River,Vic, Waranga Basin, Vic, Greens Lake, Vic, Irrigation Channels Shepparton, Vic, Torrumbarry,Vic, Broken River, Lake Hume, Goulburn, Irrigation Channels, Greens Lake, Echuca, Kialla Lakes, Waranga Basin, Shepparton Jordan’s Bend Gouburn River, Cairn Curran, Lake Eppalock, Kialla Lakes Shepparton.

Yellowbelly Fishing Reports Videos

The Getfished Yellowbelly Fishing Report videos are compiled from the dedicated efforts of a variety of Victorian Yellowbelly fishers. Please support them by clicking like and subscribing to their videos. To encourage them to continue in their awesome efforts and great content!

Suggested Yellowbelly Tackle Options

One of the great things about Yellowbelly is that you can use the same bait and lures – and even visit the same locations – that you would if you were targeting Murray Cod.

Common Yellowbelly baits, so far in 2022, have included:

Cheese, Earthworms, Scrub Worms, Chicken, Yabbies.

Whereas effective 2022 lures have proven to be:

TN60 Jackal, Lipless Crank Baits, Small Divers, Bassman Shorties, Gulp Soft Plastics, Chatterbait, Mask Vibes, Crank Baits, Codger, Black Gulps.